Golden Way Media Films

Award Winning Film and TV production

Golden Way Media Films Productions

Golden Way Media Films company offers Film and TV production, screenplay writing, script coverage, short film, webseries, commercial videos and film marketing. Film and TV production have a greater impact on our mental consciousness, unlike any other art. It holds power to impose an emotional instability in our minds. This is why it is said that filmmaking is more about imagining and observing. Now in this century, making a movie isn’t just about the screenplay, acting, production design and all. It comprises a lot of many other factors. However, a successful film is merely about the quality of film, proper film marketing strategies and distribution. How much impact can it impose on humanity and how powerful the visual media is? The best answer to these questions are always about how well a good film reaches the people. And Film marketing is the beacon that leads to this destination.

“When you tell someone the right story at the right point of time, that story has the power to change lives and heal people.” — Maria Johnsen

golden way media filmsWe believe major player companies who wish to increase their online visibility should use commercial videos and web series in order to raise awareness about their products and services. Companies especially the private sector spend millions of pounds/dollars of their marketing budgets on direct paid advertising and at the end of the year the majority deplete their budgets without getting the right sales results. If these companies use at least one third of their marketing budgets on making films and webseries which directly and indirectly advertise about their projects and services, they not only increase their ROI, but also they will triple their profits. The fact is that film and video production show the value of your services, help your customers get more from your products.

At Golden Way Media Films production we offer film and TV production,  screenplay writing script coverage, short film, webseries, commercial videos and film marketing

Invest in 2025 with Golden Way Media Films! Explore thrilling movie and TV projects. Join us on the cinematic journey

 If you have any questions or wish to join us as an investor and/or partner, please get in touch. 

We are here to help and answer any questions you might have. Contact us

Golden Way Media Films Productions

Searching for Harriet

Searching for Harriet 

Genre: Romance

Searching for Harriet is streaming on various platforms in Australia, Canada, Mexico ,New Zealand, United States, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala and Panama via Tubi , It is streaming in Brazil nationwide.
Platforms to watch this film are: Roku, Fire TV, Android, iOS, Comcast, Samsung, Vizio, Web, Android TV, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Apple TV, Cox, Tivo, Telstra, Hisense, Rogers, Echoshow, Enseo.
Huldra and Photographer

Huldra and Photographer

Genre: Fantasy Horror

Streaming on Amazon Prime

Prime USA, Prime UK, Prime Germany, Prime Japan 

It is streaming on various platforms in Australia, Canada, Mexico ,New Zealand, United States, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala and Panama via Tubi , It is streaming in Brazil nationwide.
Platforms to watch this film are: Roku, Fire TV, Android, iOS, Comcast, Samsung, Vizio, Web, Android TV, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Apple TV, Cox, Tivo, Telstra, Hisense, Rogers, Echoshow, Enseo.
The ghost on the Bridge

The Ghost on The Bridge

Genre: Paranormal Horror

Streaming on Amazon Prime

Prime USA, Prime UK, Prime Germany, Prime Japan 

streaming on various platforms in Australia, Canada, Mexico ,New Zealand, United States, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala and Panama via Tubi , It is streaming in Brazil nationwide.
Platforms to watch this film are: Roku, Fire TV, Android, iOS, Comcast, Samsung, Vizio, Web, Android TV, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Apple TV, Cox, Tivo, Telstra, Hisense, Rogers, Echoshow, Enseo.

Soulbound Shadows

Genre: Horror

A chilling horror story.
When a team of ghost hunters enters an ancient, haunted house, they uncover dark secrets and face terrifying spirits. trapped with no way out, their fight for survival begins. A Maria Johnsen’s Film
👻 Starring: Linda – Jean Barry, Jack Gates, Henrietta Szentes, and Maria Johnsen
📅 releasing january 24, 2025
Will they escape, or become part of the house’s deadly legacy? dare to watch! 🔮

An Award Winning Film Production Company in London

Pauline 's Love Spell
Souldbounds Shadows-poster 2024
Searching for Harriet

Pauline’s Love Spell

Genre: Fantasy, Horror

Soulbound Shadows

Genre: Horror


Searching for Harriet 

Genre: British Drama 


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Current Film and TV Projects

Actor's Retaliation
Elf and Huldra
Mortal Prey

Elf and Huldra

Epic Fantasy 

Mortal Prey


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